Saturday, October 24, 2015

This week in running Oct 18 - Oct 24

The turn around point on Saturday's long run

DayMileage / WorkoutComments
Sunday26.5Duke City Marathon 
MondayOffOff - some mild hiking
TuesdayOffTravel day
Wednesday7Actually a pretty solid run, but overall medium pace
Thursday9Kick butt for about 7 miles.
Friday5All easy
Saturday17First half at about 10 min / mile.  Second half around 9:30
Total miles for the week: 64.5 - YTD: 1974

Week's Summary

Despite having run the Duke City Marathon this week, I really loaded up on the miles.  I was actually itching to run on Tuesday but that was my travel day from Albuquerque to Utah.  Normally I take a minimum of 2 days off after a marathon and I had some soreness but not a lot.

I still have to maintain my fitness for Vegas, which is about a month away.  If the weather cooperates, I am hoping to hit around 4 hours for that marathon.  So with a solid base, I want to get in a bit of speed work.

I also felt a lot less soreness after Duke City.  While I was dehydrated and sort of cranky afterwards, this marathon proved to have the least post race soreness I've experienced in a while.  Maybe I am getting used to this thing.

There is also a part of me that is worried about overuse injuries.  So far (knock on wood)  I've managed to dodge that bullet.  But the inner coach in me tells me I am doing too much...  Ugh... the joys of running versus staying cautious...

Upcoming Races

11/07: SaltAir Half Marathon (maybe)
11/15: Las Vegas Marathon (definite)
11/26: South Davis Rec Center Turkey Trot (5K) (Confirmed)
02/06: Winter Striders 5K (confirmed)
02/20: Winter Striders 10K (confirmed)
03/05: Winter Striders 10 Mile (confirmed)
04/02: Winter Striders Half Marathon (confirmed)
04/23: Winter Striders 30K (confirmed)

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