Well, here's another ubiquitous post about plans and goals for 2015. I've been thinking about this one for a while and of late I've been finding myself thinking "big". Thanks, in part to this blog, I really try to have some adventures to write about. It doesn't matter if it is yet another trip to Wendover or a 6-hour jaunt to another marathon, so long as I am not sitting in front of the TV wasting away, it is a day well lived.
So without further ado, here are some of things I am hoping to do. Some will definitely happen, others are just whims at this point. I certainly won't be able to do all the things on my list -- budget, health issues and time constraints will certainly curtail some of things I want to do... Perhaps at the start of 2016 I'll come back and see what I have accomplished on this page:
Drop 10 Pounts: You would think that this would be easy. Running 40 - 50 miles a week should give me license to eat whatever / whenever I want. Yeah right...
At 45 years old, my metabolism has slowed down another notch. It doesn't help that I gorge at buffets. While I am not going to quit going to Wendover and enjoying the food, it does mean that in those days I am not feasting at a buffet that I eat intelligently and sanely.
The biggest success I had with eating and losing weight is when I tracked every calorie and I used If you haven't tried it, give it a go, it is free and easy and I've never been spammed by them.
Lay off the Junk (a bit): Doritos and chips don't help me at all. Same with Chips-A-Hoys. Find healthier things to snack on. Maybe it is time I start shopping at Whole Foods again.
Do more Core work / Foam Rolling: Yeah, after my run, I shower, eat and then lay on a bed and watch TV. At least I could be doing some rehabilitative work while watching reruns of the Six Million Dollar Man on Cozi TV
Do more Core work / Foam Rolling: Yeah, after my run, I shower, eat and then lay on a bed and watch TV. At least I could be doing some rehabilitative work while watching reruns of the Six Million Dollar Man on Cozi TV
Marathon Dream List
Here I am definitely dreaming big. I've never run more than 3 a year and 3 was pushing it. If I have any shot at completing a marathon in every state within my lifespan (and my ability to run), I need to start doing a few more.
Here are a few on my list for this year.
Desert Classic Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K - January 31. This is in Arizona. Probability: Darn Good. The Sedona Marathon that weekend is a slim chance.
Helena Montana Governor's Cup Marathon (June) - Probability: Good
The Colorado Marathon (May) - Probability: Good
Long Beach Marathon (October) -- Probability: Unlikely. I went to college in Long Beach CA so this one is sort of dear to my heart. I ran the half marathon, in 2009, I think.
Albuquerque Marathon (October) -- Probability: Unlikely
Casper Wyoming Marathon (June) -- Probability: Unlikely. I had so much fun there last time I was there. Let's do it again (maybe).
Casper Wyoming Marathon (June) -- Probability: Unlikely. I had so much fun there last time I was there. Let's do it again (maybe).
Denver RnR Marathon - Probability: Unlikely (assuming I can't do the Colorado Marathon).
St George Marathon - Probability: Unlikely. We'll see on this one. Maybe I'll get lucky and get in.
Las Vegas Marathon - Probability: Definitely
I am dreaming about something overseas. I doubt it will happen in 2015, but I'd like to run something in Europe: Paris, Rome, Dublin, Edinburgh... how cool would that be?
There are countless other marathons I want to run, and I could see myself finding something for early spring, but we'll see how it goes.
I'd still like to run the 6 Tunnels Half Marathon in Vegas as well as Summerlin's Half Marathon. We'll see how the budget looks.
I'd still like to run the 6 Tunnels Half Marathon in Vegas as well as Summerlin's Half Marathon. We'll see how the budget looks.
Places I want to Visit
Elko, again. Yes I've been Elko twice now, but I want to see Lamoille Canyon in the Summer time with the flowers in bloom. I saw pictures of what the canyon looks like and the views are just incredible. There is also a reservoir south of town that I want to run around. Looks like a 10 - 13 mile trip. Every time I look at Google Maps I see an area I want to explore there.
Ely, again: Whether I go out for the Ely Half Marathon again remains to be seen, but I definitely want to take on Mount Wheeler and see the Great Basin Wilderness.
Southern Utah: I've been here nearly 3 years and other than driving through on my way to Vegas, I have yet to see some of the greatest parks this country has to offer. Whether it be Zions or Moab, I've got to see at least one of them
Carson City / Reno / Tahoe: How can I be a Nevada-phile without having visited the capitol?
Pilot Peak: Yeah, that peak north of Wendover. I want to run to it. That might mean parking my car and doing a bit of an adhoc trek. Knowing I've got the cajones to go into no-man's land north of town is exciting to me I'd also love to explore the mountains south of town too. I can't imagine what it was like to have your worldly belongings on an ox drawn cart traveling through there 160 years ago.
Explore Eastern Utah: Every time I go east of Park City I am shocked as to what I find there. So much natural beauty and places that I just feel the need to explore. I need to make it a point to check it out.
Running Goals
Speed: I definitely want to be faster in 2015. For the past 3 years, I start out running pretty well and by the end of year I find my times are down (and they never go back up again). I need to commit to doing the work: i.e. speed work. I'd rather go out and plod through 15 miles rather than 3 at 5K pace. I don't want to be here at the end of 2015 with a regular 2+ half marathon as the new normal.
Run 2000 Miles: I came close this year. I ran over 1900. That's a new record for me. I would've easily done the 2000 had I not been injured. Let's hope I can remain injury free.
Run 80+ Miles in One Week: This is very doable. I hit 72 or so this year for the second time in my life. I was exhausted at the end, but it always gives me a physical and mental boost.
Race More: Enough said.
Get a New Garmin: My trusty Garmin Forerunner 305 only has a battery life of 3 hours now. I will miss it, but if I am looking to run marathons I am going to need a new companion. Once I replace it, I can pass it along. Ping me if you are interested. This will be done soon.
Get a New Garmin: My trusty Garmin Forerunner 305 only has a battery life of 3 hours now. I will miss it, but if I am looking to run marathons I am going to need a new companion. Once I replace it, I can pass it along. Ping me if you are interested. This will be done soon.
Personal Stuff
Clean out my phone / address book: My man, Tom Leykis, has had shows about this. If I haven't called you or you haven't returned my phone calls, it's time to be removed. I need to quit investing energy into relationships that aren't going anywhere.
If I lived closer, we could really do some damage traveling to races together. You may find yourself racing more.