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Some dirty trail running in West Wendover, NV |
Total Miles: 638.75
Sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy running races and doing what I need to do around the house. Also, my training for the most part hasn't been too good. I've been running way too many races. All told, I ran 7 Half Marathons in the span of 8 weeks.
Naturally as the toll of the races added up so did the wear and tear on my legs. Each time I toed the line I could feel the previous race still in my legs. My times reflected the over racing as well. I was hovering around 1:53 - 1:55 for a half marathon at the start. By the time I wrapped things up, I was hovering around 2:00 hours and hurting half way through the race.
Suffice to say all the races impacted my training. For the first 3 days of each week I was feeling pretty beat up. If I was lucky, I'd get in one semi-decent run before I'd have to dial it back for the next race. I do NOT recommend my racing method for much of anything other to get some medals and put a check mark next to a race bucket list item.
One of my reasons why I had to push myself for the races is on account (drum roll please) -- I am moving -- like in leaving Utah. As in for the foreseeable future.
I realize this is a public area and I am not going to go into great lengths to explain why I am moving. On some levels it was heartbreaking and in others, I am looking forward to some new areas to explore and conquer. Suffice to say some of it was family reasons and some of it was career aspirations. Enough said. I am just surprised at how quickly it all happened. To be honest, I was just casually looking and next thing I know I was on a plane to Arizona.
I should state I love Utah. The last 6 years have been amongst the best and most enjoyable years of my life. Sure there were bad times but for the most part, I've loved living here -- there's just so much to do. I've also met so many fun and great people too that I fully plan to remain in contact with.
On the plus side, Arizona is still an outdoor person's state (with the exception of summer) and I do have friends and family there. And the career opportunity present there looks good too.
The plan is for me to leave Utah on May the 5th. I'll run my final Utah race that morning, come home, clean up and ship out with whatever fits in my car. The house will sell (eventually) and I'll come back out and move the rest of my stuff. That's the way the plan worked in 2012 when I came to Utah and that's how I am going to roll with this move as well.
Either way, I knew this time was coming and for the longest time I've been doing my bucket list here. Have I done everything? Absolutely not! Will I be back to visit? You can count on it.
This is definitely difficult. When I left Illinois, I was so READY to go both personally and professionally. This time, in a way, I am not. There is a great opportunity ahead of me and Arizona has what looks to be a good running scene -- it just has some big shoes to fill and I am afraid of the heat.
Aside from Highway 50, I also got to take in the trails on more time in Wendover. It was just so incredible running them and being the only one out there. I have had a ton of adventures out there and while it isn't the most glamorous place to run, it just sort of felt like my territory. I was in areas that only ATVs and dirt bikers go (and only a few go there)
I am also going to miss the Jordan River Bike Trail right here in Salt Lake City. That trail was my second home and it felt like I knew every crack in the pavement and every dog walker / runner on it. I am also going to miss my feral cat that I have fed every day for the past 6+ months. I have gotten some friendly folks to pitch in and help continue to make sure it gets food. I have a feeling she (presuming it is a she) will continue to be fed even after I make my last run there. I have several Facebook friends that I met on the bike trail as well.
So it is with mixed feelings as I write this. All I can say is stay tuned for more adventures. The next few months are going to be interesting.
Upcoming Races
05/05: Fantasy Run 10K - West Jordan, UT (Confirmed)
05/26: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #1 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
06/09: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #2 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
06/23: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #3 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
07/07: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #4 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
07/21: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #5 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/04: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #6 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/18: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #7 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
11/11: 2018 Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)
05/26: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #1 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
06/09: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #2 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
06/23: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #3 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
07/07: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #4 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
07/21: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #5 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/04: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #6 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/18: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #7 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
11/11: 2018 Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)
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