Monday, February 13, 2017

Rye Patch Reservoir - Lovelock Nevada


This past week I have been traveling around Nevada.  This trip, I have some extra time to kill, so I am making it a point to visit various map dots along the way.  One of those stops is the Rye Patch Reservoir -- just east of Lovelock, Nevada.

This is an easy-to-find location directly off I-80.  There are some brown tourist signs that indicate which exit to get off on.  You basically drive north for less than a mile before coming to a pay station. Since I was there in February there were only a handful of other people there.  It seems to be primarily a summer destination geared for boating, fishing and perhaps even swimming.

Looking at the maps, it seems like there are some nice trails there.  I didn't have time to hike but I would've loved to have spent some time there. 

There were picnic spots as well as plenty of boat launches. 

I spent a good 30 minutes there driving to various lookout points taking pictures and enjoying the scenery.  Once in the park, driving is contained to only a few miles. 

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