Sunday, October 13, 2013

Utah Jazz Versus Clippers

First off, let me preface this by saying I am not a huge basketball fan.  I follow the sport in a cursory manner, but I definitely don't live or die by any team's performance.

When I was offered a pair of free tickets to the Jazz / Clippers game, it gave me pause.  It was for Saturday night's game and I know that the Jazz haven't been playing particularly well.  Also, I haven't been to a professional basketball game -- well since WELL before Michael Jordan came along (probably when I was in junior high -- I remember seeing the Bulls play).

The stadium is located in the heart of downtown Salt Lake and it turned out to be one of the easiest drives to a sporting event I've ever taken.  I remember while living in northern Illinois what a major commitment it would take to see a baseball game (or any game for that matter) in Chicago.  Let's just say that I left at a little after 6pm and we were parked by 6:20-ish.  Parking was $5 - $7...

As far as stadiums, Energy Solutions Stadium go this one was very clean.  You had your typical assortment of homeless looking for change at the intersection but the stadium itself was clean and had plenty of food offerings (at majorly inflated prices).

I didn't know many of the players except Blake Griffin of the Clippers (I didn't realize he was now playing for the them).  The Jazz got crushed pretty easily (106-74) and while we had pretty high seats (about 10 rows from the top) we could certainly see all the action.

I'd definitely go back to see the Bulls or Lakers.

The Tickets

Outside of the stadium, around 6:30

Food court

Union Pacific Station

Our Seats

One of my favorite parts -- the 80's themed cheerleaders

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