Sunday, June 24, 2018

This Week in Running 5/29 - 6/24

Miles to Date: 929.5

I haven't written much about just plain old ordinary training of late.  Since moving to Arizona, I have transitioned into a morning runner.  There's just no two ways around it.  You have to be a morning running to survive Arizona's summers.

In Utah, I could get by with waiting until 8 PM for my nightly runs.  Maybe once a year I'd wake up and go early in the morning.

But here, I am up by 5:30 AM at the latest.  I am usually out the door 15 minutes later.  The first mile is usually the hardest as I start to work out the kinks.  Usually after half a mile I can start to run at a fairly normal, non-gimpy pace.

I have been logging around 30 - 45 miles per week on the Tempe Town Lake Trail.  It takes about a mile to get there but it isn't too bad of a trail.  It is flat, has some drinking fountains and there are a bathroom or two.  It isn't my favorite place to run of all times, but it works and there are usually a few other runners or dog walkers out there in the wee hours.

I have been using the weekend 5K races as my official speed work outs.  On some days I'll find a small hill to charge up a dozen times.  The hill is more of a small boat ramp and takes about 10 seconds to ascend.  It is enough to qualify for "work" but isn't terribly demanding.

My new job also has a gym in it.  So in addition to running 4 - 8 miles in the morning, after work I'll do another short workout.  It is more weight-based but I do peddle on a bike for 15 - 20 minutes.  By the time I make it home, I am exhausted and tend to sleep pretty well.

Global Running Day

June 6th, I believe was Global Running Day.  It isn't too different from any other day for me, but it is one I think to raise awareness for running.  That day I decided to take a picture of the various stops along the way on a typical run.

The first picture is the first picture in this post.  I have reached the Tempe Town Lake trail and the sun is quickly rising behind me.  It is about 5:30 in the morning and probably in the upper 70's.  It will quickly heat up.

I am looking to the west.  You can see Papago Park in the distance and everything is pretty peaceful at this point.  I am just over a mile on my run at this point.

Here is the bike path that leads to the Tempe Town Lake Trail.  In a little bit the trail will fork. I can continue on the concrete or go down to the shore onto packed dirt.  I always go to the packed dirt section.

Today I spotted some coyotes.  If you look closely you'll see them.

I am another mile down the trail at this point.  I love this section.   This is really what the Tempe Town Trail is all about.

I've reached the 2.5 mile mark (or thereabouts).  There are a bunch of bridges here. Some for pedestrians, some for cars and one for a train.

Here is the pedestrian bridge. I love running across this and it is fairly scenic.  I am about 3.5 miles into my run now.

This is my favorite part of the run.  This little stretch is on the north side of the trail, having crossed at the bridge.  There are a lot of wild brush here and the smell is intoxicating.  There is a slight incline here but I hardly notice it.  I am about 4 miles in at this point.

I have since turned around and making my way back "home".  Near those buildings is a set of restrooms and drinking fountains (actually there are several drinking fountains in this area).

As you can see, it is much warmer now.

About a mile away from home.  Have to run by the Tempe Mall and McClintock Road.  It is still fairly peaceful at this hour, but in a little bit it'll be flooded with cars.

Final push home.  This area smells like tires and auto shops.  If I am lucky I can catch the bread delivery trucks on their way out and get a whiff of fresh bread, but that tends to be the exception rather than the rule.

Post Lamoille Canyon Half

It was awesome to get back to Salt Lake City for the weekend.  I ran into a bunch of people on the bike trail during a shake out run that I didn't expect to see.  It was so much greener and cooler.

The Lamoille Canyon Half is a massive downhill race -- about 3000 feet decline.  And I paid for it all last week.  I was super gimpy down the steps at work -- almost as if I had run a full marathon.  My legs were beat up feeling as well.  So 90% of my miles last week were junk miles.  

On the plus side, I don't think I wound up injured.  Last year, my troublesome knee basically shouted, "I've had enough" when I finished and I was soon in the PT office.  It pretty much killed my fall season.

It was awesome seeing everyone at the race and I truly miss being in the Salt Lake running scene.

Upcoming Races

06/29: Night Fury #2 5K - Mesa, AZ (Confirmed)
07/04: Arizona Road Racers Series #3 - 4 Miles - Peoria, AZ (Confirmed)
07/07: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #4 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
07/14: Farmington Festival 10K - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
07/21: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #5 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/04: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #6 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
08/18: Arizona Sunrise Race Series 5K #7 - Phoenix Area, AZ (Confirmed)
11/11: 2018 Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)

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