Sunday, March 8, 2015

This week in running March 1 - March 7

Day Mileage / Workout Comments
Sunday 17.25Felt really good and enjoyed my run. No watch, but I figured mid 9:30's.
Monday 6 Easy
Tuesday 13 Good run at medium pace
Wednesday 8 Easy
Thursday 11 Started out Medium Pace - died at the end. Legs are dead. Striders though.
Friday off Had to work late, but did walk a few miles 
Saturday 10 Striders Winter Circuit 10 mile race
Total miles for the week: 65.25- YTD: 454

Week's Summary

This week wasn't too bad in terms of overall volume.  I was hoping to crack 70 miles for the week, but my legs were just shot and I knew if I wanted to run well on Saturday I would need a rest day.  If I hadn't raced I probably could've done 80 for the week.

The races continue to be the speed work and it gets me out of the house and doing things.  I am not a big fan of sitting around the house on weekends watching tv or playing computer games all day.  With the weather as nice as it has been, it makes sense to get out and enjoy things.  Also, the Striders' race was only $40.

This week will likely not see a huge increase in mileage.  Today (Sunday) I won't go for very long as I need a bit of a recovery day and I don't like logging massive long run after long run in succession.

On the plus side, my metatarsal problem has died down a bit.  I felt it at the start of the 10 mile race, but other than that it has been quiet.  I still occasionally feel a twinge in my left calf -- the same one I injured last spring but so far, so good.  I need to get more diligent about foam rolling and stretching.

Upcoming Races

3/14: St Patty's 10K run in Layton (got in for $25) (definite)
3/21: Riverton City Half Marathon - Riverton Utah  (definite)
3/28: Winter Striders Half Marathon  - Huntsville Utah (probable)
4/10: Sand Hollow Marathon - Hurricane Utah (very Probable)
4/25: Winter Striders 30K - Huntsville Utah (18.6 miles) (probable)
7/11: Dam 15 Miler in Jordanelle / Park City Utah (definite)
9/5: Jackson Hole Wyoming Marathon (very very probable - I booked the hotel already)
11/15: Las Vegas Marathon (definite)

Picture of the week

My phone is currently dying.  It is starting to have problems charging and downloading pictures from the phone to the computer is a bit touch and go.  Sometimes it doesn't recognize it is charging.  I suspect the USB port is shorting out (same thing that happened to the last phone I had) I am hoping to upgrade soon and provide better quality pictures soon.  I am WAY overdo for a free upgrade.

I snapped a few pictures at the half way turn around on Sunday's long run.  I always enjoy the loop that I make but it is sort of desolate and I have seen some unsavory types hanging out in the area.  It is just a lonely farmland-ish stretch of trail:

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