Official Time: 2:00:52
Placement: 51 out of 124, 450 out of 1140 men, and 754 overall.
Results: Here
Race Website: Here
Weather: Mid 40's, mild wind from the south and west. Rain
Garmin Dump: Here
Previous Years: [2016] [2015] [2013]
Mile | Time | Comments |
1 | 9:07 | Some up hill here but just settling in |
2 | 8:53 | |
3 | 8:47 | Hilly stretch here. Did way better than I thought I would do |
4 | 8:55 | Finally reach the top of the canyon |
5 | 8:40 | Let the downhill begin |
6 | 8:44 | |
7 | 8:58 | |
8 | 9:03 | Fairly consistent. Would've expected faster considering downhill |
9 | 9:02 | |
10 | 9:03 | |
11 | 9:36 | On to the bike trail here. Have to propel myself now |
12 | 9:46 | Legs are tired. Just want to be done |
13 | 10:30 | Shambling along |
13.17 | 1:43 | A whole lotta of nothing left. |
Total Miles: 13:17 2:00:52 |
Well, it's been a while since I've done the Ogden Marathon race. I've done the full marathon 3 times and since I've been on a marathon hiatus of late, I decided back in February to jump into the half marathon.
The race is an extremely well run race that starts up in a valley at the top of Ogden canyon. The half marathon starts in a park in Eden Utah. From there, you wind around Pineview Reservoir until you get to the top of the canyon's entrance. From there, you descend through the canyon until you get to the bike trail ... and from there you wind up in downtown Ogden.
For a point to point race, this is one of the prettiest and most fun courses to run. And it is also mostly downhill...
The race also supports a lot of youth community activities in Ogden. So it is rewarding to know that you are contributing to that.
The Race
I took Friday off and wound up heading up into Ogden late in the afternoon for packet-pickup. The pick-up was held at Weber State University and it was an easy in and out. However, the Expo is definitely worth checking out. There were at least two dozen vendors promoting races or selling running stuff. It was also social hour for me as I ran into a bunch of folks that I knew.
After getting my bib / shirt, I headed over to the Sleep Inn on the north side of Ogden. I probably could've skipped the hotel, but it gave me a little extra sleep and saved me another trip to / from Ogden (about an hour away). With a 7 AM race start and a 5:15 bus loading deadline, it was going to be an early morning for me.
I wound up eating at Black Bear Diner in Ogden. It tends to be a good choice for me and I've eaten there before.
I didn't sleep very well and was up before my 3:45 AM alarm. I ate and prepped for the race and left the room by 4:25 AM. I've parked in the same parking lot since 2013 and I got there with plenty of time to spare. In fact, I had some time to drink a little more in the car.
Like each year in the past, it was raining. I seem to bring the curse to the Ogden marathon. When I run, it races. Every year I've missed it, the weather has been decent. When I had woken up it was raining hard, but by the time I got to the bus loading, it was a very mild drizzle.
I was loaded down with just about every piece of running equipment needed for bad weather. I intended to run it with a long sleeved shirt, a hat, gloves and shorts. But I had with me a warm jacket, umbrella, tights, etc.
It took a while to get on the bus due to there being several thousand half marathon runners. But I had my umbrella and good conversation. The bus ride from downtown Ogden to the race start was about 25 minutes. By the time we got to the top of the canyon, it was pouring... hard. Everyone was anxiously looking out the windows of the bus and volunteers frantically set up their stations.
In another 15 minutes, in Eden's city park, the rain was coming down in a light drizzle. Everything was wet and damp. I found myself shivering while waiting in line for the bathroom.
I cycled through the bathroom a time or two as I debated on what to wear. I didn't have a lot of confidence in my hamstring and the last thing I wanted to do was have a hamstring issue and have to walk 6 miles of a half marathon in the rain.
So I opted to keep on the tights I was wearing and the heavier jacket that I use when it is below freezing. I also crammed a 33-gallon garbage bag in my pocket.
As soon as the race started I knew I had made a mistake. I was warm and felt confined. It's been years since I've worn tights. I told myself I wasn't really racing this on account I've been injured for so long but at the same time, this course is fast.
The first 3 miles are mostly uphill. There are some rolling hills so you get some downhills. Arguably, this is the toughest part of the course (even for the full marathon). Luckily I was fresh and I was feeling pretty good. I fully expected this to be the slowest part for me, but I turned in some decent times.
The rain had stopped and for the most part the weather was ideal for running. Although occasionally the rain would start again, but it was never very serious.
By the time I reached the top of the canyon, I felt very warm. I was debating if it was worth stopping, re-pinning my bib to something else and discarding my tights. I loved my running jacket (you can see my attire at the topmost photo) and I definitely didn't want to "donate" it. I unzipped my jacket and did the best I could with my clothing.
The downhill part is the fastest part of the course. You are running by the Ogden River and the pace at this point becomes easy. It isn't a crazy fast downhill, but you can certainly coast a bit here. This is also the most scenic part of the course, as you'll enjoy the sites of the surrounding rock and even pass an occasional waterfall.
At mile 10 you are done with the canyon. There is usually a crowd at the bottom cheering on various runners. They didn't let us down despite the cold wind blowing through the mouth of the canyon.
But at this point I was running on fumes and I knew the crash was coming. While I was thirsty, there had been water stops every mile. I hadn't packed a gel and I was wondering if my sugar levels had crashed. Also, it was possible that my lack of training was costing me. I was also insanely warm....
The final three miles were awful for me. I was just tired and wanted to be done. I was dying to ditch my jacket but my car keys were inside and I wondered how feasible it was going to be for me to go and drive back out and get it (a lot of Ogden is shut down for the race).
My pace grew to a shuffle and I became irritated with every runner who passed me. I was kicking myself for overdressing and my hopes of running a 1:55-ish were growing dimmer.
I tried to enjoy my run along the bike trail. There were stretches of it that were really pretty and ideal for running. But when your legs feel like lead, it is hard to enjoy.
Finally, we turned down the main street and you can clearly see the finish line -- but it seems so far away. I kept looking at my watch hoping that the final quarter miles would just melt away. I saw the 2:00 hour pacer fly by me but I knew she was ahead of schedule. To make my pace seem even slower, there was a decent headwind seeming to thwart my every effort.
Mercifully, I reached the finish line. I tried to put on a brave face for the spectators but I was hurting. This is one of those races that definitely have decent crowd support -- from fans to the volunteers.
I snagged my medal from one of the volunteers and gulped down some Gatorade. I normally carry my hydration for a half marathon, but I had skipped that due to the colder weather. Being insulated from the element though, made me sweat a lot more and I was dehydrated.
I grabbed some more food / beverages as I made my way out of the long finish chute. I chatted with some of the other runners before making my way over to the baggage drop.
Unlike previous years, I didn't freeze the minute I stopped. Actually, I could've hung out a bit longer as the sun had come out (finally).
The gear retrieval was super efficient. I got all my stuff back in no time at all. And I was able to get out of the parking lot in short order too as most of the runners were still running.
I was mildly disappointed with my performance. I was on target for a really good race, but due to a lack of training and being overdressed, I didn't run well at all. Granted, before the start I told myself I wasn't racing it and this was mostly a test to determine whether my hamstring could tolerate hills -- and for the most part it did.
The medal is a work of art. It is heavy duty and the lanyard is of high-quality. Definitely a keeper. The shirt is a long sleeved shirt. It is similar to the medal in design.
Post race refreshments included soda, beer (a first in Utah, I think), fruit, Gatorade, water, chocolate and milk. There also were Popsicles and protein drinks.
I paid a fair amount for this race. I registered in February I think, right before a price increase. It is definitely one of the most expensive races I'll do. But it does support a worthy cause, it is a first-class event, and the course is one of my favorites. I took advantage of the early-bird pricing and have already signed up for 2020.
I bet it will be rainy.
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