Monday, June 10, 2013

Millcreek Canyon - Pipe Line Trail

On Sunday, I went to Millcreek Canyon -- about 15 minutes from my apartment.  I had heard about this canyon but didn't know much about it.  I was pleasantly surprised with its popularity and the trails there.

Normally after a marathon I have no interest in doing much walking, but to be honest, I felt fantastic and decided to go for a hike.  I pulled off at a random parking lot and jumped on the trail.

There were plenty of people on the trail: cyclists, runners, walkers and plenty of people with their dogs.  It was really nice to see happy dogs frolicking around in the streams and loping around.  The trails were nicely marked and pretty well maintained (figures -- you do have to pay $3 to get out of the park). 

The trail I stumbled upon was mostly flat.  I expected cooler temperatures there, but they were only marginally so.  I don't think the drive / elevation change caused that much of a difference.

Either way, I did do about 2 hours of hiking there and it was really nice.  I am not sure I am ready for hard core trail running yet (I am a bit of a klutz and was constantly tripping and rolling my ankles on rocks) but this is a place where I can easily see myself visiting again.

Enjoy the photos.

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