Sunday, March 12, 2017

This Week in Running 3/5 - 3/11

Me crossing the finish line at the March Madness Half Marathon last week

DayMileage / WorkoutComments
Sunday6Recovery run after Saturday's Half Marathon
Monday6Still a little sore, but medium pace.
Tuesday84 x .5 in 3:47, 3:39, 3:36, 3:35
Wednesday6Medium paced run
Thursday7Solid effort throughout
Saturday5Easy today
Total miles for the week: 38; YTD: 392.5

Week's Summary

A pretty ordinary week in terms of training.  It took me a day or two to come back to full strength after last Saturday's grueling half marathon.

I did, however, get in a quality speed work session on Tuesday.  I never know what I am going to do on a day that I can do speed work -- or even if it is going to happen.  Sometimes I just feel off and skip it.  Some days I feel like a tempo workout, while others I feel I can handle intervals. After a mile warm-up, however, I know what I feel like doing and what I should.  It did feel good and my times were better than usual.

I didn't get in a long run -- other than Saturday's half marathon.  I also didn't race.  I was pretty tired throughout the week and this "down" week was definitely in order.  I have a very busy race schedule ahead of me -- particularly in April.

Weight Loss

This week I decided to make a conscious decision to really "work" on this.  I decided to give up all refined sugar and junk (chips).  I started last Sunday and made it until Friday night.  I was out on the town on Friday night and I didn't pledge myself to a lifetime of healthy eating.

The first few days were really challenging.  Normally when I am stressed / bored / tired at work, I'll saunter into the kitchen and grab some candy - almost out of habit.  It took me a while to break that (but I never slipped).  I made decisions to eat, say string cheese or an apple.

I had a low grade headache for a few days and to be honest pretty cranky.

I had to change everything. And it was a lot tougher to do because my snack drawer at work was filled with cookies.  Also, I have a fully stocked kitchen at home with plenty of "wrong choices".

I did use honey / maple syrup (the real kind) and for dessert I had Greek yogurt with a dab of honey.  So I wasn't completely sugar-free or Atkins like but it was definitely a change.

So did it work?  Yes and no.  I did drop down, briefly to 181.5 pounds, but later came back up to my normal weight.  I know, for sure, I was consuming less calories.  I'll probably continue to try this tact and see if the weight does indeed come off.  It isn't easy however.

Update on the Feral Cat

The other day I was running and I dropped off some food for my adopted feral cat.  I was a little late for my run and lo and behold -- he was waiting for me.  As soon as he saw me, however, he took off and hid in the bushes watching me.

I pretended to take off and came back from another angle and sure enough he was attacking my food that I had left him.  He is a cute animal but is definitely in need of being cleaned up.  He has also gotten significantly bigger since the first time I've encountered him (it helps that I feed him every day)

It does feel good to make a small difference.

Upcoming Races

I am looking forward to the 6 Tunnels Half Marathon.  I've been wanting to do this race for a VERY long time.  A friend of mine told me about the race -- oh maybe as long as 2010 or so, and ever since I've wanted to do it.  And every year it would roll around and I would talk myself out of it.  Well this year I made the decision to do the race.

It is going to be a short but sweet trip -- basically a Friday night run down to Boulder City, NV and then come back sometime on Sunday.  I've always wanted to run these trails and hopefully I have the energy to do some more exploring down that way.

03/18: Winter Striders Race Circuit 10 Mile - Ogden UT (Confirmed)
03/18: 6 Tunnels Half Marathon - Boulder City, NV (Confirmed)
04/08: Winter Striders Race Circuit Half Marathon - Huntsville, UT (Confirmed)
04/22: Salt Lake City Marathon - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed) (2017)
04/29: Winter Striders Race Circuit 30K - Huntsville, UT (Confirmed)
06/24: Utah Midnight Half Marathon - Provo, UT (Confirmed)
07/07: Utah Midnight (Legacy) Half Marathon - Farmington, UT (Confirmed)
11/12: Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)

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