Monday, December 25, 2017

This Week in Running 12/17 - 12/24

DayMileage / WorkoutComments
Sunday1010 min per mile pace, recovery run
Tuesday52 miles at 5K pace
Wednesday5Slushy run but fun. Medium paced
Thursday73 miles easy, 3 at tempo
Saturday16Long run at 9:30 pace per mile, Section #2

Weekly: 52 YTD: 1796.5

Week's Summary

This week was actually fairly productive. Low and behold I started it off with a decent semi-long run of 10 miles at a 10 minute per mile pace.  With the weather comfortable cool but dry, I really find myself enjoying running.  Also there isn't any pressure of a race to train for so I can sort of do what I want, when I want.

I also did a somewhat disappointing 2 mile time trial.  Before the Vegas marathon I was running it in 15:45 -- now 16:20.  Just wasn't my day and I had a bit of a head wind. However, I did feel good in that I actually did the speed work.  I generally dislike speed work but like eating Brussel sprouts, I know it is good for me.

Also on Thursday I ran just under 3 miles at tempo pace. I ran into a fellow runner on the bike trail and I know they are faster than me.  So my goal was to keep ahead of them and I imagined someone chasing after me.  The mental game worked and by the time I let off the gas I had actually put in a quality workout.

I wrapped up the week with 16 mile run.  I think I would've hit 18 but the rain / snow was coming down and I felt myself getting chilled.  As seen by the pictures below, it was just damp and I could feel my outer shell getting soaked through.  It largely went well and I felt good throughout the run.

So that leads me to ask myself what am I training for?  My training right now looks good for a build-up for a marathon.  Am I training for a marathon?  Maybe.  I may jump into something in the spring or even push the envelope a bit for a new marathon down in Southern Utah at the start of February.  I am thinking that is a bit premature but hopefully the additional miles will pay dividends on my half times.


Upcoming Races

12/31: Beat the New Year 5K - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed)
01/18: St George Half Marathon - St George, UT (Confirmed)
02/03: South Davis Recreation Center Sweetheart's Day 5K - Bountiful, UT (Probable)
02/03: Sun Marathon (likely the half) - Santa Clara, UT (Maybe)
02/10: Candy Heart 5K - West Jordan, UT (Confirmed)
03/03: March Madness Half Marathon - West Bountiful, UT (Confirmed)
03/18: St Patrick's Day Half Marathon (6 Tunnels Half Marathon) - Las Vegas, NV (Unlikely)
04/21: Salt Lake City Marathon (Half) - Salt Lake City, UT (Confirmed (2018))
11/11: 2018 Las Vegas Marathon - Las Vegas, NV (Confirmed)


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